Pediatric Dentistry Space Management
Date: Friday, June 14, 2024
Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Location: Stave Island
Cost: $90.00 - $180.00
CEs: 2
Course Description:
Illustrating the timing of placement after early space loss, type of space maintainers, how to adjust, fabrication of fixed space maintainers, how to estimate space requirements using a space analysis, discussion of indications for maintainers, development of the dentition during the loss of the space, and monitoring intervals to assure development and space requirements are considered. Interactive examples of development will be discussed so that insertion will be recognized when active eruption is occurring, if possible.
Educational Objectives:
By the completion of this course, each participant should be able to . . .
Recognize indicators for space maintenance
Determine what type of space maintainer
Know when to place maintainer
Johnston-Tanaka Mixed Dentition Analysis
Take Away: The placement of space maintainers is essential in early space loss situations, when indicated by development. The course will provide guidance when placement is ready and the analysis of space requirements is known.
Meet Your Speaker

Gary Badger, DDS, MS
Dr. Badger is a graduate of Georgetown University School of Dentistry receiving his DDS and the University of Missouri at Kansas City, Missouri for his M.S. He is a Diplomate of the ABPD, a Professor and former Chair and Program Director of Pediatric dentistry at the University of Texas School of Dentistry in Houston. He currently is an Adjunct Professor at the University of New England for Pediatric Dentistry and is employed at the Kennebec Valley Family Dentistry in Augusta, Maine.