Treating Between the Lines (3 CEs)
Course Description:
Treating Between the Lines: Understanding Rx and Illicit Drug Abuse (3 CEs) Time: TBD Substance abuse is at an all-time “high” in this country with an estimated 1 out of every 10 Americans addicted to prescription or illicit drugs. As dental professionals, we must awaken to the reality that many of our patients have substance-use disorders and that our examination findings of advanced caries, severe hyposalivation, and poor plaque control are often the effects of depressant, stimulant, and opioid abuse. Learn how to recognize the clues of substance abuse from a routine dental examination, discuss your concerns and suspicions with patients, develop and deliver safe and effective dental treatment, and manage pain with non-opioid medications. *Note: Course content does not include marijuana Course objectives - To identify the three categories of drugs (opioids, depressants, and stimulants) most commonly abused by patients - To recognize the physical, behavioral, and oral clues of substance abuse during a routine dental examination - Motivational-interviewing techniques to discuss substance abuse with patients - Office policies that safeguard both patients and practices - Evidence-based practices for managing dental pain with non-addictive analgesics - How to avoid being targeted for drugs by patients - To develop treatment plans based upon a cariesrisk assessment that includes substance abuse